Thursday, June 23, 2011

Awesome Graphics Work | 16 Pics

Awesome Graphics Work
These Awesome Graphic Work design by Kevin Roodhorst is a young artist from holland, he has been featured in multiple top Photoshop magazines. Kevin Roodhorst started to work with Adobe software when he was 15 years old. What he did most of the time was follow tutorials on the Internet and check out other designers.

Kevin started with making some CD covers and posted them online on some websites, where he received a lot of positive reactions. At the age of 17, Kevin got her first paying assignment, a poster for a kick-boxing competition. Now Kevin work for 22 different nightclubs. And Here's some collections from his amazing work, check it out ;0)

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work

Awesome Graphics Work


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