Thursday, February 24, 2011

Justin Bieber, Donates His Hair for Charity

Justin Bieber, Donates His Hair for Charity
London: Teen sensation Justin Bieber, who recently had a new haircut, has donated his locks for auction, money from which will go to charity.Bieber signed a box at the Ellen DeGeneres’ television chat show that had his hair, which is expected to raise a huge amount of money in auction, reports

However, his new hairdo has not gone down well with his fans, as 80,000 fans opted to “unfollow” their idol on Twitter.

But a backing did come from an unusual source, when Kim Kardashian declared that the look was “really cute”.

Bieber’s hairstylist Vanessa Price said of the haircut: “Cutting your hair is just part of the evolution and growing process for anyone, and I think he was just ready.”

“We’ve been talking about it over the last six months or so - more or less, it’s definitely been in the works for a while,” Price added. (IANS)

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