Monday, November 1, 2010

Mozart’s Music' Helps break down Sewage !

SYDNEY - A German company is monitoring the trial of a sound system that replicates the vibrations and sounds of the concert hall which, when combined with oxygen, helps break down sewage.

Sydney Water is monitoring the trial.

The process being tested involves a stereo sound system developed by a private company, Mundus. It claims the sound waves of Mozart’s The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro, together with oxygen, boost the activity of micro-organisms in breaking down biosolids.

“Mozart managed to transpose universal laws of nature into his music,” the Sydney Morning Herald quoted a founder of the company, Anton Stucki, as saying.

“It has an effect on people of every age and every cultural background. So why not microbes? After all, they are living things just like us,” Stucki added.

“It is a novel suggestion that Mozart could help microbes perform better, and one that our science and technology staff have not heard before.”

In sewage treatment, the wastewater flows to aerated tanks where bacteria consume what they can. With Mozart’s aid, micro-organisms are expected to increase the aerobic degradation of organic matter or the breakdown of organic contaminants when oxygen is present. This procedure was tested successfully in Austria last year for eight weeks. (ANI)

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