Friday, December 31, 2010

Incredible And Amazing | World Most Giant Catfish Ever, Caught by Blind Fisherwoman

Whopper: This 192lb albino catfish that Sheila caught was comfortably the largest one ever hooked - and her second world record

A fisherman who introduced his blind wife to fishing has been upstaged twice - as he watched her break two world records for catching giant catfish.

Retired gardener Alan Penfold, 63, decided to start bringing wife Sheila along on his fishing trips four years ago but wouldn't have expected to be upstaged by his partially-sighted partner.

She has broken the record for the biggest catfish ever caught by a woman and then hooked the largest albino catfish ever caught in two fishing holidays.

Great catch: Sheila Penfold, 59, (right) caught this 214lb giant catfish in the River Ebro, near Barcelona. It was the largest catfish ever caught by a woman. Husband Alan (left) has not managed to better his partially-sighted wife's efforts

Amazing White Cat With Two Different Color Eye Photos

Amazing White Cat With Two Different Color Eye Photos : White cats are just beautiful regardless what color of eyes they have! Blue And yellow

Six Awesome Places For Traveling

6 Amazing Places to Travel

Who would not want to enjoy the Month mornings, days and nights?This article will provide you with the amazing places you can visit this Month and can enjoy every bit of your vacations no matter alone or with your family.


This place is known for its warmth especially in Month. It will give you the pleasantly warm weather in Month that you might have been looking for. The Grand Canyon is the place you will surely visit as it is not a place to miss. Hike across the Grand Canyon National Park or take a mule tour of the place. You will love it.

Phuket, Thailand:

Beach is the place you want to go then Phuket, Thailand is a very good option. Go beach hopping, have a bath in the Phuket waterfalls, pay a visit to local market and to Big Buddha statue. Whole new activities you can do here are exotic. This place is a family vacation dream.


One of the cheap vacation spots, where you and your family can enjoy the sun, sand and sports. Also you have a delicious cuisine waiting for you there.


Disney World and Universal Studios along with many other attractive places to visit, Florida is definitely one of the most popular places to visit in Month. Plan a vacation there and enjoy till you are exhausted.


This desert has a very known and famous history to itself and still you can see that taste of pure culture here. Visit Jaipur and Udaipur and have dinner in the middle of the dessert, you will surely enjoy this remarkable experience.


Place known for the best family vacation spot, will give you an amazing experience you will never forget. Great Barrier Reef, the Blue Mountains, Yorke Peninsula, the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park and other places one would love to visit along with the cities like Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne.

Choose What PPC or SEO?

Every business is seeking to place ads on the internet these days. Internet businesses are those that are the most intrigued in this kind of marketing because of the wide and large reach of the medium.

However, the challenges in internet marketing are not small. It is easy marketing but because of this, there are many companies in the fray and therefore more competition to tackle.

One way of using the internet for marketing is to have your own website. There are other methods you can use to generate more interest in your product or service and increase sales. Importantly, the website should be easily seen and frequently visited.

The two main ways you can use online marketing to your advantage are PPC and SEO.

1. Pay Per Click or PPC

Pay Per Click is also a popular marketing tool used by search engines. There will be sponsored links which are placed on search engines, depending on how high the advertiser has bid for it. When a visitor clicks on the link, the advertiser pays for it. The higher you bid, the higher your position on the search engine and thus greater visibility.

In PPC methods, you make your ad, decide the price and decide your target audience. The PPC networks help you in the process of deciding the desired customers with indicators of location and topic. You create the ad content and make sure that it is in the reckoning in terms of competition.

You can choose wither method based on your budget, objectives and aims.

PPC has many advantages and some are:

*PPC can be expensive if there are too many clicks without sales. To check fraudsters, the PPC networks have their surveillance.
*PPC reaches everyone who visits the web and has a relatively easy set-up process.
*If you stick within your budget and manage costs in relation to income generated, then PPC will be a very good marketing technique.

2. Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

At any given time, the internet is being used by most people to identify particular websites. There are research reports that suggest that at least 60 per cent of internet users are searching for websites using Google, which is the world’s No.1 search engine. SEO makes this process easier for the advertiser as the websites will be placed high in the search engine results page.

With the use of Independent Back-Linking Network, you can use SEO to your advantage. You will have to create a website or web page which can be provided as a link on other website pages. With this, many pages can be made to link to your website to increase traffic.

In Search engine Optimization, you are not required to pay for anything but a lot of research is required to identify your target customers and prepare ads and web pages. This SEO method will bring in results for a longer period of time even though the results may start coming in only in some months. Once established, there will be only profits.

What (SEO) Search Engine Optimization Trends in 2011?

With 2010 nearing an end, we are all looking ahead optimistically towards 2011. In the world of web technology, we have not witnessed any major upheaval this year. Being an ardent web surfer and a webmaster it's all but natural for me to become curious about what the future holds for us in 2011.

The most interesting area to look forward to is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) without which no website under the sun passes the fitness test. The SEO domain has received a tremendous boost from the growing popularity of social networking sites and various improvements in search technology. In this article and the following one, I will share with you some of the SEO trends that you can look forward to next year.

Social Media Optimization

Close on the heels of Search Engine Optimization, comes Social Media Optimization, the newest incarnation of SEO. I know that you are no longer surprised by this new term thanks to the tremendous popularity of social networking sites worldwide. Webmasters should not consider Social Media Optimization as a distraction from their normal SEO efforts; but this new activity should be deployed to boost a site's SEO prospects. Social Media Optimization activities may include back links from individual social media sites, development of a credible profile on these sites, and targeting towards real time searching. The greater impact you can have on the social networking sites, the more your SEO prospects will improve in the coming year.

Website Speed and On-Page SEO Activities

There are some webmasters who rely on off-page optimization rather than on-page optimization. But in 2011, you should give equal, if not more, attention to on-page optimization. Most importantly, the site load time is going to be the litmus test. Google, in its effort to improve website performance, has decided to penalize those sites that have a longer load time. Also, improper use of Meta tags in website coding will have a negative effect on site rankings in the major search engines in the coming year.

The Web Is Going Mobile

Smartphones are getting more and more ubiquitous and people have started surfing websites on their mobiles more than ever. This trend is going to grow in 2011. The number of mobile Internet users has touched 90 million already. The need for optimizing your site for mobile users will naturally be more pressing. Your site needs to be optimized for relevant mobile applications, such as Google's Mobile Search Services and mobile keyword tool in AdWords. Google itself has stated that mobile search results take precedence over desktop search results when it comes to mobile searching. This underscores the need to invest your time and money in mobile SEO in the coming year.

Online Videos

Video is the buzzword today. Your site needs to be powered with YouTube video clips, one of the most popular media on the web today. If you upload a video on YouTube for a particular keyword, your site gets a better chance to be "visible" by leading search engines like Google for that keyword. One cannot ignore the growing popularity of YouTube. It has surpassed Yahoo! to become the second largest search engine in the U.S. Therefore, putting up a relevant video on YouTube not only enhances your site's SEO prospects in Google, but boosts its SEO prospects in YouTube itself.

Personalized Search

One of the important trends in online search features is personalized searching. This trend will be even more notable in 2011. Google, the global search leader, has in fact made personalized search the default option. Unless users opt out of this default option, they are likely to experience only personalized search features from Google. Personalized search results are based on the user's web surfing habits. The probability of your website showing up in the search results is going to diminish unless your site is one that is frequently accessed by users. If your site is widely popular and users access it frequently, you are likely to enjoy better search positioning in the days ahead. Otherwise, you need to build up your site's branding (by other means) and entice users to access the site.

Local Search

Experiments with local search were seen in 2010 and the trend is likely to continue well into the next year. Leading search engines like Google have started depending on local search listings. As a webmaster, you should focus more on improving your site's ranking in local search engines. Dominating the local listings is much easier since there are a lesser number of players. Then when the major search engines incorporate the top local listings into their search results, you'll receive automatic positioning. The outcome is debatable if you have hosted your site in a different country. Generally, it is advisable to host your site in the same country where your business operates in order to take full advantage of local search listings.

So folks, these are some of the SEO trends for the upcoming year. Pay attention to these if you want to retain or improve your site's search-friendliness.
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