Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)

Pictures of Old Japan (24 Photos)


16 Creative Potholes

16 Creative Potholes : Potholes are annoying and destructive. They can wreck your car’s suspension, distract cyclists and worst of all, running into one can make you spill your latte all over your freshly cleaned suit.

However, like with everything else, some happy do-gooders are making lemons out of lemonade. After Davide Luciano and Claudia Ficca, artists from Montreal, had to pay $600 in car repairs from hitting a pothole; they decided to make potholes the theme for their next photography project.

What happened next was creative, inspiring and will make you look at potholes a little differently from now on. They staged photography around the potholes by creating interesting scenes. Their work has become so popular that they have now photographed potholes in not only Montreal, but New York City and Los Angeles. This is a small sampling of their work.

Via: Friend Link

Epic Fail - Hope This Make You Smile (Part 9)

Epic Fail - Hope This Make You Smile
There are so many hilarious and weird moments in our lives that it’s impossible to capture all of them. Here are new set of the best and the most epic fails. Enjoy and always smile ;0)

Related Post:
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 1
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 2
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 3
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 4
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 5
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 6
Epic Fails - Hope This Make You Smile Part 8

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